’60 Minutes’ Slush Fund Exposé Prompts Bill to End Leadership PAC Loophole

“Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) has introduced a bill to ban personal use of leadership PAC money one week after a joint investigation by 60 Minutes and the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) exposed members of Congress using leadership PACs as “slush funds” to bankroll lavish lifestyle perks.” To Read the Full Article, Click Here.      

Forbes Review: “Death by Extortion: How Politicians and Crony Capitalists Are Destroying The American Dream”

  “The explosive growth in government regulations impose huge costs on productive activities. The arbitrary way in which they are enforced causes more insidious damage. It corrodes the rule of law and creates serious distrust on the merits of winners and losers in the market place. In addition, this “arbitrary” enforcement does not take place

Exclusive: “Allen West Confirms Congressional Committee Fundraising Dues”

“In an exclusive phone interview on Tuesday, former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) confirmed to Breitbart News that every committee slot on Capitol Hill for members, especially committee and subcommittee chairmen, comes with a fundraising price tag.” To Read the Full Article, Click Here.      

FOX News: “Lawmakers Making Thousands, Funding Lavish Trips From Slush Funds”

“On Sunday, a 60 Minutes investigative report by veteran CBS reporter Steve Kroft and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer revealed how leadership PAC loopholes allow members of Congress to convert campaign cash into lavish lifestyle upgrades for themselves and their family members.” To Read the Full Article, Click

The Detroit News: “How Congress Robs America Blind”

“Peter Schweitzer is at it again. The Hoover Institution Fellow from Stanford University, who two years ago exposed the ability of Congress to engage in insider stock trading without penalty, now asserts that our elected representatives are lining their own pockets with campaign funds generated through contributions that are extorted from their donors….” To Read

AEI: “Bombshell investigation reveals how Washington works”

“In a CNBC interview with Larry Kudlow, author and friend Peter Schweizer discusses his new book “Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes and Line Their Own Pockets.” As expected, Peter’s book is drawing some criticism from the political status quo…” To Read the Full Article, Click Here.      

Investigation Reveals AFL-CIO, SEIU Partnered With JP Morgan Chase

If union members are upset that the millions union bosses have dumped into defeating Gov. Walker in tomorrow’s recall election appears not to be working, they may be furious when they learn the details of a new investigation by the Government Accountability Institute…   To Read the Full Article, Click Here.