Keep Waiting for Wall Street Crime Crackdown

“While you ponder the new memo, consider a report by the Government Accountability Institute. It will make you extremely skeptical about the new initiative for prosecuting Wall Street. The Justice Department so totally failed in its duties during the crisis that one has to consider it guilty until it demonstrates otherwise.”

FORBES: Wall Street, Political Insiders Nervous About Political Intelligence Firm Expose

Wall Street and Capitol Hill insiders are quaking in their Gucci loafers about a forthcoming government exposé slated to drop April 4th of this year. That is when the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) will issue a report on so-called “political intelligence firms”— shadowy companies that hire former members of Congress, staffers, and other federal

Daily Beast: Why Goldman Sachs, Other Wall Street Titans Are Not Being Prosecuted

The Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute Goldman Sachs in a financial-fraud probe is another sign of the cronyism that has kept Attorney General Eric Holder from taking action against other big Wall Street firms, says Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer. Read the full article at the Daily Beast.