Spies in Our Midst: Peter Schweizer explains Chinese infiltration of American Politics on Glenn Beck’s program

Peter Schweizer appeared by telephone on Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV show to discuss the recent arrest of a woman who was a Chinese Communist Party agent while working on the staff of NY Gov. Kathy Hochul. Also, they discussed the vast influence of Chinese Communists over American institutions. Schweizer and the Government Accountability Institute have produced

Money from China has “deeply affected” Biden’s policies: Maria Bartiromo welcomes GAI’s Peter Schweizer to discuss Joe Biden’s financial ties towards China

GAI president Peter Schweizer joined the “Sunday Morning Futures” program, hosted by Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo, to discuss President Biden’s policies towards China and their relationship to the financial ties of his family to Beijing. Schweizer is the author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, the recent

Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw

Talking China: Peter Schweizer appears on Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s “Hold These Truths” podcast

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) is one of the deeper thinkers in the US House of Representatives and invited GAI President Peter Schweizer onto his podcast, “We Hold These Truths” to discuss the revelations contained in Schweizer’s latest book about China and the fentanyl trade. They also discuss corruption in Washington and other topics. You can

Andrew Klavan’s Interview of Peter Schweizer Airs

GAI President Peter Schweizer described the many facets of China’s “disintegration warfare” against the United States on Andrew Klavan’s show for Daily Wire. The wide-ranging discussion of Blood Money’s topics included the Chinese involvement in the international fentanyl trade, and then to how China stokes violence in American cities by selling Glock switches to criminal

Peter Schweizer and GAI win Media Research Center’s “Bulldog Award” for Investigative Journalism

The Media Research Center, a media watchdog group, awarded GAI President Peter Schweizer one of its “Bulldog Awards” for his investigative journalism. In February, Schweizer’s book Blood Money was published to acclaim and spent several weeks at the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list for nonfiction. “Anyone who watches the Fox