Andrew Klavan’s Interview of Peter Schweizer Airs

GAI President Peter Schweizer described the many facets of China’s “disintegration warfare” against the United States on Andrew Klavan’s show for Daily Wire. The wide-ranging discussion of Blood Money’s topics included the Chinese involvement in the international fentanyl trade, and then to how China stokes violence in American cities by selling Glock switches to criminal

Peter Schweizer and GAI win Media Research Center’s “Bulldog Award” for Investigative Journalism

The Media Research Center, a media watchdog group, awarded GAI President Peter Schweizer one of its “Bulldog Awards” for his investigative journalism. In February, Schweizer’s book Blood Money was published to acclaim and spent several weeks at the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list for nonfiction. “Anyone who watches the Fox

“An Important First Step:” CCP Provides Government Funding, Tax Rebates to Fentanyl Producers, House Report Finds

A new report issued April 13 by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) finds persuasive evidence that China has been subsidizing the manufacturing and exporting of illicit fentanyl precursor chemicals and other synthetic narcotics through tax rebates and other means. Reacting to the report, GAI President Peter Schweizer said, “This report is an

Turning a Blind Eye: Our War with China

Writing for The Stream, Anne Morse offeres a glowing review of Peter Schweizer’s new book In the fifth century BC, Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu wrote, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” In his new book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, bestselling author

Former House Speaker Cites ‘Blood Money’ to Advocate for TikTok Ban

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently welcomed GAI’s Peter Schweizer to his Newt’s World podcast and discussed Schweizer’s new book about China’s war on the United States. In this article, Gingrich quotes from Blood Money to make the case that the US Senate should follow the lead of the House of Representatives and pass a

China’s Role in America’s Unrest

China knows that a weakened American society will mean an easier path for China to triumph on the international stage. In his explosive new book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” Peter Schweizer chronicles China’s surprising ties to the Ferguson protests and the 2020 riots. “Blood Money” also

Newt Gingrich welcomes Peter Schweizer to discuss Blood Money on Gingrich 360 podcast

Newt Gingrich talks with Peter Schweizer, author of the book Blood Money. Schweizer discusses his two-year investigation into restricted Chinese military documents and American financial records, revealing the Chinese Communist Party’s covert operations in social media, the American drug trade, social justice movements, and the medical establishment. He also discusses the popularity of TikTok among young Americans and the

Peter Schweizer Appears on the Ben Shapiro Show

Peter Schweizer, President of Government Accountability Institute and author of the new book, “Blood Money,” details to Ben Shapiro the Chinese Communist Party’s covert operations in the American drug trade, social justice movement, and medical establishment to sow chaos and deca­dence in the United States. He joins us today to break it all down. Listen