Washington Examiner: “Nancy Pelosi tops all others in fundraising; $52 million for Democrats”

“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has blown away all competitors in the race to be the top congressional fundraiser, pulling down more than $52 million for Democratic candidates in 2012, or more than $120,000 for every congressional district, not including her own, according to a new investigative report. In so-called “dues” and other contributions required

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Obama Camp Blocks Donations From China

President Obama’s campaign and the Chinese government have blocked online donations from China, but the Obama camp appears to have done nothing to block illegal contributions from other countries. “[For Chinese users], the campaign has now blocked access from using the contribute page,” Peter Schweizer, whose Government Accountability Institute issued a report on illegal foreign

Washington Examiner: GAI Report May Explain Lack of DOJ Prosecutions

An investigation by Peter Schweizer’s Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has concluded that conflicts of interest among President Obama’s top Department of Justice appointees may explain why nobody on Wall Street has been prosecuted by the government following the economic meltdown of 2008. Read the Washington Examiner article here.