Levin: Schweizer’s ‘Extortion’ Reveals Obama’s DoJ Worse than the Mafia

“On Wednesday, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability President Peter Schweizer shocked conservative talk radio host Mark Levin with revelations from his New York Times best-selling book, Extortion, prompting Levin to say Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department was reminiscent of the old Soviet Union and worse than the mafia.” To Read the Full Article, Click Here. To

Washington Examiner: GAI Report May Explain Lack of DOJ Prosecutions

An investigation by Peter Schweizer’s Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has concluded that conflicts of interest among President Obama’s top Department of Justice appointees may explain why nobody on Wall Street has been prosecuted by the government following the economic meltdown of 2008. Read the Washington Examiner article here.    

The Chicago Way: Justice for Sale at Holder’s DOJ

In an explosive Newsweek article set to rock official Washington,reporter Peter Boyer and Breitbart contributing editor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer reveal how Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are operating under a “justice for sale” strategy by forgoing criminal prosecution of Wall Street executives at big financial institutions who