Mark Levin of Fox News invited Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, onto his weekend program on Jan. 25 to discuss the 11th-hour pardons issued by Joe Biden to five more members of his own family.

Schweizer called the pardons by outgoing President Biden “the single most corrupt acts of any American president in US history.”

“I don’t say that lightly, Schweizer told the host, pointing out he is judging by the sheer millions of dollars involved and that the source of that money was from our adversaries in China and Russia, and from Ukraine, which is known to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

“This is effectively a pardon of Joe Biden himself,” Schweizer noted, since all of the other principals of the Biden family business are protected by the president’s pardons. Biden’s pardon warrant, signed Jan. 19, excuses James and his wife Sara Biden, Frank Biden, Valerie Biden Owens and her husband John Owens of “any nonviolent offenses against the United States which they may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014, through the date of this pardon.”

“The January 1, 2014 beginning date is significant,” Schweizer noted to Levin, because that’s when the money first began to flow to the Bidens from these foreign countries. This was after Joe Biden had been made point person on China and Ukraine issues by then-president Barack Obama.

Levin shifted the conversation to the conduct of former Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose Justice Department attempted to sweep investigation of Biden family corruption and criminal activity by Hunter Biden under the rug. Joe Biden, Levin theorized, “felt comfortable” that with Garland as attorney general he and his family would not be investigated. Garland instead trained the weapons of the DoJ against former and now current President Donald Trump.

“In 2018 I published Secret Empires, and three months after that the FBI and IRS launched investigations into the Biden family,” Schweizer told Levin. “We now know from the IRS whistleblowers that those investigations were squelched.”

“We have got to get to the bottom of the coverup and the abuse of power that was covered up by an apparatus in Washington DC that involved at least dozens of senior people. We have to get the truth out of exactly what happened, and that means Attorney General Pam Bondi needs to investigate this further,” Schweizer concluded.

Levin agreed: “This isn’t about recriminations. It’s about getting our justice system back.”