WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Obama Camp Blocks Donations From China

President Obama’s campaign and the Chinese government have blocked online donations from China, but the Obama camp appears to have done nothing to block illegal contributions from other countries. “[For Chinese users], the campaign has now blocked access from using the contribute page,” Peter Schweizer, whose Government Accountability Institute issued a report on illegal foreign

Obama campaign blocks Chinese IP addresses from contributing to its campaign.

GAI REPORT: “Blocked: Chinese Government & Obama Campaign Quietly Block Access To Donations Webpage”

The Government Accountability Institute is pleased to announce the release of its follow-up report on foreign and fraudulent online campaign contributions: BLOCKED: Chinese Government & Obama Campaign Quietly Block Access To Donation Webpage.  

DAILY CALLER: Obama Campaign Collecting More Donations From Non-Existent ZIP Codes

A soon to be released report from the conservative Government Accountability Institute shows that President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has increasingly collected more electronic donations from non-existent ZIP codes throughout the 2012 campaign cycle. From February through June this year the GAI findings reported that the Obama campaign collected $175,816.26 in electronic donations from non-existent

POLITICO: How Much Time Has President Obama Spent On The Economy?

You can’t measure how much time a president spends “thinking” about the economy. But how much time has Obama spent working on rebuilding America’s crumbling economy? Researchers at the Government Accountability Institute looked into this for a new report into Obama’s official public schedule from his Inauguration until June 30, 2012. Read the rest at

Why Obama Lacks Political Will To Crackdown On Wall Street

The presidential election is well under way but as President Barack Obama tries to position himself as the defender of the middle-class who will protect the 99% against corporate malfeasance and too big to fail banks, he may find himself in a precarious position. His record does not necessarily reflect his rhetoric and at the