“BLOOD MONEY” announced

HarperCollins to Release Peter Schweizer Blockbuster — “A Towering Achievement of Investigative Journalism” Politico Playbook exclusively reported on Wednesday that Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer has revealed China’s “Disintegration Warfare” plans to kill Americans and sow social chaos; and the seven-time New York Times bestselling author is set to expose all

GAI’s Cannabis Cronyism Report Cited in Indictment Story

In its Jan. 10 story on the indictment of a former Sacramento city councilman, the California Globe cited GAI’s “Cannabis Cronyism” in its reporting on the “dodgy cannabis business in California. GAI’s report, issued in 2021, reviewed the politicking behind legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in several states including California. The report showed numerous

Schweizer on Maria Bartiromo's "Sunday Morning Futures" program, Aug. 6, 2023


The next shoe to drop in the Biden investigation belongs to a man named Eric Schwerin. That’s according to investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, who appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program on Fox News this weekend. Schwerin was “the money guy” in Hunter Biden’s business organization, Schweizer said, and he will have “had access

From Academics to Activists: Teachers Unions ‘Reimagine’ Spending Priorities

NEW GAI REPORT SHOWS WHERE THE MONEY GOES During the 2021 fiscal year, the two largest teachers unions in the US – the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) – collected approximately $575 million in dues from their members. How did they spend these funds? In past decades these funds

The Truth About Ukrainian Biolabs

When the invasion of Ukraine began, Russian leaders accused the U.S. of weaponizing deadly pathogens in Ukrainian biolabs near Russia’s borders. While the U.S. initially denied the claim, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted in a congressional hearing that biolabs do exist in Ukraine and that the U.S. has partnered with the country on

The DrillDown studio

Subscribe to The DrillDown podcast

Each week, co-hosts Peter Schweizer and Eric Eggers relentlessly expose crony capitalism and corruption in Washington, DC. These audio podcasts, still very new for GAI, will feature occasional guests, including former Rep. Jason Chaffetz and journalist Lee Smith, who are both Distinguished Fellows at GAI, and authors Mollie Hemingway and Alex Marlow, to name a

USA Today on STOCK Act: “Congress backpedals on ethics”

 “… The latest example is the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, which explicitly bars lawmakers and staffers from spreading or trading on inside information. The law passed in 2012 only after CBS’ 60 Minutes aired a scathing report, based on a book by Peter Schweizer, exposing the way members of Congress profit from their