Seamus Bruner appeared on Grant Stinchfield Tonight program to discuss the Biden Five pardons.

GAI Research Director Seamus Bruner joined Grant Stinchfield to discuss the implications of the last-minute pardons by outgoing President Joe Biden of five more members of his immediate family. The pardons were not based on any criminal convictions, or even specific charges of wrongdoing by any of the Biden family members, but nevertheless extended to

Eggers: The Bidens Took Money from Everywhere

GAI Vice President Eric Eggers joined Greg Kelly on Newsmax to discuss the pardon of five more Biden family members as Joe Biden was walking out of the presidential door. The panel discussion talked about whether the blanket pardons issued by outgoing President Joe Biden, including his own son, his two brothers, his sister, and

Peter Schweizer: Biden Legacy Is Taking Tens Of Millions From America’s Adversaries

GAI President Peter Schweizer appeared on the podcast of investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, one of the reporters who exposed the “Twitter Files” in 2023. The two discussed the details of Biden family corruption, and Schweizer offered an ominous assessment: “It was never about Hunter… Some of [the Chinese military intelligence] money seems to have gone

Schweizer on Maria Bartiromo's "Sunday Morning Futures" program, Aug. 6, 2023


The next shoe to drop in the Biden investigation belongs to a man named Eric Schwerin. That’s according to investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, who appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program on Fox News this weekend. Schwerin was “the money guy” in Hunter Biden’s business organization, Schweizer said, and he will have “had access

Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer

Schweizer’s ‘Secret Empires’ Got Hunter Booted off Chinese Board!

In his interview with representatives of the House Oversight Committee, Devon Archer revealed that Hunter Biden stepped down from the board of Bohai Harvest Rosement (BHR) after his China ties were exposed by the 2018 publication of Peter Schweizer’s book, Secret Empires. Hunter Biden quit a Chinese board because @peterschweizer exposed him: — Luke

The Truth About Ukrainian Biolabs

When the invasion of Ukraine began, Russian leaders accused the U.S. of weaponizing deadly pathogens in Ukrainian biolabs near Russia’s borders. While the U.S. initially denied the claim, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted in a congressional hearing that biolabs do exist in Ukraine and that the U.S. has partnered with the country on