Daily Beast: Why Goldman Sachs, Other Wall Street Titans Are Not Being Prosecuted

The Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute Goldman Sachs in a financial-fraud probe is another sign of the cronyism that has kept Attorney General Eric Holder from taking action against other big Wall Street firms, says Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer. Read the full article at the Daily Beast.      

Washington Examiner: GAI Report May Explain Lack of DOJ Prosecutions

An investigation by Peter Schweizer’s Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has concluded that conflicts of interest among President Obama’s top Department of Justice appointees may explain why nobody on Wall Street has been prosecuted by the government following the economic meltdown of 2008. Read the Washington Examiner article here.    

Washington Times: GAI Report Tallies President’s Time Spent On The Economy

For everyone who marvels at the amount of time President Obama spends playing golf, here are a few numbers from the Government Accountability Institute, which has analyzed how much time Mr. Obama actually spent in economic meetings of any kind during his first 1,257 days in office…Read the rest at the Washington Times.